Proper Noun (kata benda tersendiri) Noun passed by Capital letters of name. Examples: wisdom happiness life wealth friendship faith etc.

Abstract Noun Noun has abstract form and it can’t feel and look but it is able to imagine. Concrete Noun Noun has concrete form and it can feel Examples: Endang (person name) man (he) Surabaya (City) gold table etc. VERB TO NOUN There are two nouns forming. A computer programmer writes the step by step instruction the direct computers to process (get along with English book pg.7, activity 8) Pay to attention to the underlined words.

Grammar in Focus Study these following sentences. The work place The job description e.g.I reserve food etc. Describing Someone’s job ,I\RXZDQWWRGHVFULEHVRPHRQH¶VMRE\RX The name or kind of a job (J,¶PZDLWHU Eg. Pan is something that use for boiling water. What is a farmer doing? A farmer is someone who plants many plants in the field. What is a nurse duty in the Hospital? A nurse is someone who takes care a patient c. What is A chef ? A chef is someone who cooks food in the restaurant b. Some FRPPRQH[SHULHQFHVRPHRQH¶VMRE=UH What do you do? What is your occupation? What is you profession? For examples a. Telling story or work according to the situation. Si pembicara ini, melakukan percakapan tunggal yaitu dia melakukan percakapan sendiri. Pengertian Monolog Monolog adalah pembicara tunggal yang tidak memberi kesempatan orang lain untuk ikut berbicara. URAIAN MATERI Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu : 3.1.Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu : SMK N 5 KENDAL : Bahasa Inggris : XII/1 : 24 x 45 Menit : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara level Intermediate. BAHAN AJAR 01 Satuan Tingkat PendIdikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas Waktu STANDAR KOMPTENSI KOMPETENSI DASAR